2017年12月24日 星期日

咖啡或茶:The global rivalry of bean versus leaf

朋友問:"咖啡或茶?" 有人說,該修正為"平價咖啡或高山茶?"來反映我是咖啡進口大國之事實--雖然如此,咖啡館"林立",可卻缺(講究)"咖啡文化"---可向日本學習。
.....台灣的咖啡館顧客中,可能有一成,點的是"熱/冰牛奶"之類的.....總會讓人想起空服員問 "Tea or coffee"時答"milk"或"water",或屬實,或幽默。

The British consume three times as much tea as coffee, despite an invasion by Starbucks. Americans quaff three times more coffee than tea. A gentleman is hardest pressed to find a cup of tea in Guatemala, where its superior Arabica is the drink of choice 99.6% of the time

September 29th is International Coffee Day
